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PrimaLuna EVO Internal Moving Magnet Phonostage

PrimaLuna EVO Internal Moving Magnet Phonostage

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PrimaLuna EVO Moving Magnet Phonostage

Note: Before ordering, please read the installation instructions to make sure you are comfortable with the process! It's not difficult, but it does involve soldering wires to RCA connectors.

The PhonoLogue internal PrimaLuna-specific phonostage is back!

The EVO Phonostage is an internal phonostage that connects directly to one of the existing line inputs on your PrimaLuna EvoLution series Integrated Amp or Preamplifier. No extra plugs or cables are required. (Note that this product is intended ONLY for PrimaLuna EVO preamps and integrated amps.)

Surface Mount Technology implementation for the shortest signal path and reduction of parasitic capacitances and inductance.

Made in Holland to ISO 9001 standards and boasting selected components for the best sound quality. Miniature film capacitors, minimelf resistors, and a superior op-amp for lowest noise, highest speed, and robust drive. Low impedance electrolytics and a super low noise power supply results in a turntable experience with goose bumps!

Suitable for both moving magnet and high-output moving coil cartridges. Can be installed easily at any time with basic soldering skills. Can also be installed at time of purchase at no extra charge.

Freq. Response: 10Hz-50kHz
Distortion & Noise: -83dB
Input Impedance: 50k Ohms
Gain: 42dB
Suggested Minimum Cartridge Output: 2.0 mV

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